"On New Year's Day, January 1st, 2005, I bring to you the first release of my latest GameCube project!

NO more tolerating PSO for homebrew development!
NO need to modify your GameCube for fast GC code testing cycles!

I bring to you SDLOAD! SDLOAD is an SD (Secure Digital) card / Action Replay bootloader. With just an Action Replay (ANY revision works fine) and an SD card adapter for your GameCube, you can be booting code from the SD card or even your PC network within seconds! I estimate it takes around 10 to 15 seconds from the time you turn on your GC to the time you can have homebrew code running on it.

Once you have installed the loader, all you do is turn on your GameCube, press A to "Start Game", open and close the DVD disk cover, and you are instantly greeted with my SDLOAD DOL selection menu. I have even added a network boot feature so you can use SDLOAD in conjunction with PSOload to instantly boot code from your PC to the GC through the network. As well as this, I have included a nice reload feature so that any GC program can exit back to the SDLOAD menu screen by branching to a location in RAM."

official website :


2005 will be cubes resurection

...I hope....