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Thread: Half-Life 2 Out

  1. #101
    DF MaSter Trucho's Avatar
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    Default Re: Half-Life 2 Out

    Finished it yesterday. Definatley the best pc game i've played. I half expected to be sucked into the portal at the end and into some more levels of fighting on an alien world. So I was a bit disapointed when it ended there. Apart from that its superb, can't wait for add-ons.
    10/10 :thumbs

    Oh, the AI of the soldiers under your command pissed me off on a number of ocassions. Anyone else have one of them step in front of you just as you fire a rocket launcher??!! :grr:
    Last edited by Trucho; 24th November 2004 at 06:39 PM.

  2. #102
    DF VIP Member doughboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Half-Life 2 Out

    Finished it yesterday too, and yeah was expecting something to go on with the portal..

    Know what you mean about my teams AI. Bit that annoyed me most was when Barny was pinned down by 2 snipers. You tell your team to stay somewhere safe, but after about 5 seconds they follow you and stand right in the line of fire...twats.

    Just started again on hard level.

  3. #103
    WANTED wocK_'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Half-Life 2 Out

    lets just say if i don't put my contacts in, the graphics in real life are worse than HL2

    Still ****ing about on the boat. Bored of it now

    Need to play it more i suppose

    Tis a tad on th easy side. Even in hard mode the enemies still drop. Damn my 1337 skillz :whistle

  4. #104
    DF Member kwan_kung's Avatar
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    Default Re: Half-Life 2 Out

    Finished it like 2 days after i bought it, played it for like those 2 days solid, absolutely amazing, just got the bullet time mod thingy script fer some more replay value. i have to say its absolutely F**kin ace, shotgun to chest in slow mo with slightly daft physics, *drools* watchin combine soldiers fly into walls in slow mo, knocking a few barrels over n stuff in slow mo then finally the dust n stuff in slow mo as they impact. looks amazing, i'm absolutely obsessed. b4 i got the mod thingy i was just replaying the bits with the striders over and over and over again. love the bit where one of em comes crashing thru teh roof thing of that tunnel, first timei played that i was pinned in the building thing for like 30mins goin "WTF DO I DOOOOO NOW MAN WTF WTF WTF" ne ways...i'm obsessed, never been so drawn in. best game to be released in a bloody good while, just waiting for stalker now hope they hurry up with the sdk for hl2 then i've got somert to play with while i wait for stalker. must......make......small.....base.....with....100's...of antlion....spawn...points......outside teh walls.

  5. #105
    DF Wh0re mateus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Half-Life 2 Out

    Played this game for first time last night

    WOW Fantastic!!!!!

    Even better is runs blisteringly fast on my old 1.6p4 Gf4 laptop - but running in DirectX 7 mode so it looks like the original but with better textures and models, but the game play is just the same.

    Great... just can't put it down!

    Anyone not sure if HL2 will run on their PC, check out this article on the performance of old and new cards.

    Basically old cards will run in Dx7 mode and new will run in Dx9 mode - but you'll probably get like 100fps on an old can and only 40fps on a new one, but no fancy effects.
    Last edited by mateus; 16th December 2004 at 03:58 PM.

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