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  1. #61
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    Default Re: Breaking News: Mental Cube Hacked BIOS For Viper GC

    the ribbon comes out a vent hole it seems
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  2. #62
    Guest ABCMan's Avatar

    Default Re: Breaking News: Mental Cube Hacked BIOS For Viper GC

    Quote Originally Posted by The Prodigy
    O.K here is the Cobra BIOS: (If this is not allowed please delete)

    NF0 =

                                    °         °             °
     ³X           °ÛßÜÜ  °Ûßß ÜÛßß ²Ûß   ßßÜ ²Û  °ÜßÛ °Ü Û ²ÛßÛ °Ûßß           X³
     ³            ÛÛ Û Û ÛÛß  ÛÛ Û ÛÛ   ²ÛßÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ Ü ÛÛ Û ÛÛ Û ÛÛß             ³
     ³    ° ± ² Û ²Û ² Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ ² ßÛ²± ßÛÛ² ßÛÜ ßÛ²Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ²ß ßÛ²Û Û ² ± °    ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                        - COBRA FOR VIPER GC V0.2 -                       ³
     ³                        (Proof Of Concept Version)                        ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                          15th of december, 2004                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  You didn't expect it to be true, right? Well, guess what... it IS!      ³
     ³  As of today, no need for PSO anymore, you can boot your code directly   ³
     ³  from the GC drive using DVD-R or Mini-DVD-R! This also includes the     ³
     ³  ability to boot your backups.                                           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  So what do you need exactly ?                                           ³
     ³     - A Viper GC chip                                                    ³
     ³     - This very flash file                                               ³
     ³     - Some Compatible Media and a DVD- burner                            ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  In fact, we wanted to release the first version of our Viper BIOS       ³
     ³  around Xmas time, but it appears that some ****er leaked a -PRE-ALPHA-  ³
     ³  version two days ago together with a screenshot (**** you Vincenzo),    ³
     ³  together with a screencap. We decided to release a proof-of-concept     ³
     ³  version as soon as possible so that people can stop spreading rumor     ³
     ³  about it (and DON'T USE the pre-alpha as it has some major bugs).       ³
     ³  We feel it's totally natural that most people did doubt it was true,    ³
     ³  as most of them have been waiting for such a solution for years! So     ³
     ³  now those people can try the thing for REAL :-).                        ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  USER MANUAL                                                             ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³   - Flash the Viper GC with this BIOS then remove the parallel port      ³
     ³     connector from the programmer (well, their manual says so)           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³   - Turn on your GC with an ORIGINAL DISC in the drive.                  ³ 
     ³     If there's no Title Screen coming, but the original BIOS instead     ³
     ³     it's probably that you messed up your viper install:-)               ³
     ³     Check that it's clean (and no wires crossing each other etc...)      ³
     ³     If you have a black screen coming, it's probably because you have    ³
     ³     some wierd BIOS we don't support (and don't know about) yet.         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³   - While turning on your GC:                                            ³
     ³        - Hold X if you want to boot Original BIOS instead                ³
     ³        - Hold Y if you want to boot Original BIOS with region-free hack  ³
     ³        - Don't hold any button if you want to run DVD-R :-)              ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³   -  "PLEASE WAIT" should appear. then "SWAP DISC NOW!" and the GC       ³
     ³      disc is stopped (and laser off). As soon as you see the disc is     ³
     ³      slowing down it's safe to remove the original disc and put your     ³
     ³      DVD-R instead. After a few seconds the drive will start to spin     ³
     ³      again and disc will boot (if you didn't have enough time to do the  ³
     ³      swap trick, turn off the GC and try again)                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³   - Remove the top of your GC if you want to use full-size DVD-R         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  THE MEDIA                                                               ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  The GC drive only eats DVD-R, MINI-DVD-R and single-layer silver DVD,   ³
     ³  it doesn't work with + media or DL at all.                              ³
     ³  But, like Xbox thomson drive, it is very "sensitive" to the brand of    ³
     ³  media you're using. Some are working better than others, some even      ³
     ³  NOT AT ALL! So better check what media other users recommend.           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  After a few tests here is what we think:                                ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - For DVD-R, most media are working, except some cheap no-names. On     ³
     ³    some drives only the best media is working really fine.               ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - BUT FOR MINI-DVD-R it's more tricky. We tested the following brand:   ³
     ³        SONY DVD-R 1.4GB handycam: doesn't work                           ³
     ³        TDK DVD-R 1.4GB scratchproof: doesn't work                        ³
     ³        MAXELL DVD-R 1.4GB: sometime boots, but then loose sync           ³
     ³        DATAWRITE DVD-R 1.4GB: on some drives it works 100% like the      ³
     ³              best DVD-R, but on some other drives it just can't sync     ³
     ³              (when it does its working perfectly)                        ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  In fact, we have some idea on how to improve the compatibility with     ³
     ³  bad media in our next BIOS. For now we really suggest you to find       ³
     ³  a good full-size DVD-R media, and get the opinion of other users.       ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  You don't need to encrypt the disc or use a special burner firmware     ³
     ³  to write the disc. Just burn your ISO/GCM (we use Nero).                ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Maybe different burners will lead to different results too, for now we  ³
     ³  just tried a cheap NEC burner.                                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  TROOBLESHOOTING                                                         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  REMEMBER, THIS IS A PROOF-OF-CONCEPT-VERSION !                          ³
     ³  There are probably lots of bugs we need to fix including:               ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - Sometime the "SWAP DISC" message doesn't appear (or disc doesn't      ³
     ³    slow down/laser is still on). If this happen to you just turn off     ³
     ³    your GC and try again (ok, this is clearly our fault :-)              ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - If sometimes after you swapped a disc there is a sync problem with    ³
     ³    the DVD-R and origial BIOS is not loading, then try again. If this    ³
     ³    happen very often, then you need a better media.                      ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - If the drive becomes idle for a couple of minutes, depending on the   ³
     ³    media you're using it might loose sync, and hang. This is also a      ³
     ³    bug of ours we will track. For now, if this happens to you, avoid     ³
     ³    "PAUSE MODE" in games.                                                ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - Audio Streaming doesn't work. So, the games/programs using the        ³
     ³    special streaming commands will work, but instead of a nice MUSIC     ³
     ³    you'll hear annoying NOISE :-). We'll have a look at those issues as  ³
     ³    well !                                                                ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  - Doesn't work with multi-discs games yet                               ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  REMEMBER, THIS IS A PROOF-OF-CONCEPT-VERSION ! All those problem        ³
     ³  could be fixed in a next update, except for media maybe (if someone     ³
     ³  wants to try laser tweaking we'd be interested by the results!)         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Note that on screen there's a two digit number corresponding to your    ³
     ³  GC version (right after the Cobra Version). Here are the current        ³
     ³  versions we support: 14,16,18,24,26,28,34,36,38,44,46,48. If you have   ³
     ³  another version, then we don't know about it yet...                     ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  you know it's REALLY working. Most of thoses tools only work because    ³
     ³  the current pso loaders patch libraries routines to emulate DVD. But    ³
     ³  on REAL HARDWARE, each file/fst has to be aligned on a 4-byte boundary! ³
     ³  Else nothing will work. Audio Files (for audio streaming) even need     ³
     ³  to be aligned on a 32kb-boundary ! So forget current "WIPE" tools until ³
     ³  they are fixed.                                                         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  THE FUTURE                                                              ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Apart from fixing the current bugs, we have plans to make a (better     ³
     ³  looking) real GUI, and some other surprises :-)                         ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  For coders it's a bit(!) annoying to burn DVD-R for each test. We'll    ³
     ³  try to work on a better solution (either using BBA or viper debug       ³
     ³  IO)                                                                     ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  CLOSING WORDS                                                           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Special thanks to E*Flash for his help, and RoM for the early units.    ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  You are free to redistribute this package as long as it's not changed,  ³
     ³  patched, ported, or whatever.                                           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Our code is free of any copyrighted code from third party.              ³
     ³  It is also free of any GPL licensed code, we have strong respect for    ³
     ³  other people's hard work. We only ask you to show similar respect       ³
     ³  toward our work. To put it in other words, if you are in the "right"    ³
     ³  side, draw the line between learning and stealing. Thank you.           ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  That's it for this NFO, hope we didn't missed some important point.     ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³  Have a nice day :-)                                                     ³
     ³                                                                          ³
     ³                              °         °             °                   ³
     ³            °ÛßÜÜ  °Ûßß ÜÛßß ²Ûß   ßßÜ ²Û  °ÜßÛ °Ü Û ²ÛßÛ °Ûßß            ³
     ³            ÛÛ Û Û ÛÛß  ÛÛ Û ÛÛ   ²ÛßÛ ÛÛ  ÛÛ Ü ÛÛ Û ÛÛ Û ÛÛß             ³
     ³X   ° ± ² Û ²Û ² Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ ² ßÛ²± ßÛÛ² ßÛÜ ßÛ²Û ßÛ²Û ÛÛ²ß ßÛ²Û Û ² ± °   X³

    karma given, we had to remove it from here but a link is ok

  3. #63
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breaking News: Mental Cube Hacked BIOS For Viper GC

    Quote Originally Posted by ABCMan
    karma given, we had to remove it from here but a link is ok
    the laws are wierd!

    Thansk for the pic maltloaf, that clears up my biggest worry...I wasnt confident about hack1ng holes out of my GC, even though it's not like it's plugged in all the time anyway...I'm just getting al the info I can on this before I venture into my wallet

  4. #64
    DF Jedi vgopal's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breaking News: Mental Cube Hacked BIOS For Viper GC

    should get mines tomorrow :thumbs

    soldering points looks easy too, hopefully nice and easy to fit.

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