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Thread: a BBA question

  1. #1
    DF Jedi QfanatiQ's Avatar
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    Default a BBA question

    In light of the new chip for the Cube (that seems to be doign well for sales (at least on this forum) is it still worth using a BBA and linking it to the PC.

    Is it reliable, fast and overall good.

    I have a BBA but am in two minds if i should get and install the GC Chip.


  2. #2
    DF Jedi keyamon's Avatar
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    Default Re: a BBA question

    the games do run better with the mod (if you can get them to work) and loading times are a lot shorter. but if you have the BBA then just give it a go
    plus you still need it if you want to backup any of your discs.

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