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  1. #1
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Rant childish powermad w@nkers !

    Ive never seen such a fu(king childish dictatorish regime in all my days on the WWW.

    I joined there about a week ago and was amazed to see that you werent allowed to post for 5 days . I swallowed that and thought fine Id use the time to read all the tuts etc. Half of the tuts have pics in them as attachments which you cant download to see untill the five day period is up.

    Anyway I went to look there again this morning and couldnt log in and it said it had no such user or email addy in thier database . I mailed admined to ask what was wrong but got no reply .

    Tonight I thought Id try registering again with exactly the same details and it worked first time. It was as if Id never been registered there in the first place.

    So I mailed admin again to ask if theyd had a database problem that would explain why my account had vanished etc. I also asked them if they could sort it so that I wouldnt have to sit out 5 days again before posting . I told them my real identity ie 4me2 from here the home of Neo and that they could PM here to verify my identity (they have PMs and emails disabled there like some thirdworld dictatorship)

    Well approx 15 mins later I try to look at another thread there and can only see this :


    While participating in our Forum discussion, you have violated one of the rules below:

    General Forum Rules:

    1) Posting topics in an improper site Forum board. For example, don't post FTP or HD Advance topics anywhere but in the PS2 HDD Forum, nor are you to post GameCube/Viper GC, etc. issues anywhere but in the GameCube Chat section and so on.

    2) Posting, linking, attaching, and/or referencing copyright files, adult material, or anything else ILLEGAL. We have minors on our Forums, and they will NOT be exposed to adult material here. Also, anyone violating the copyright portion of this RULE will not only be banned from our Web site but also their personal information forwarded to the proper authorities as we deem necessary.

    3) Starting new threads on an existing topic. For example, do not post about YOUR "burning" problems in a thread of your own if there is already a "burning" thread started (even if it's a few pages back) in the Forum you plan to post in. Instead, post in the existing thread which will automatically move it up to the front of the Forum section. ALL members should use the SEARCH function regularly prior to posting on our boards.

    4) Bumping threads just for the sake of bumping them. If you do not have anything relevant to add to an existing thread, do NOT just post a reply such as "bump" or similar... this is NOT acceptable on our boards at all.

    5) Asking where your post is, or where an old thread is. On our site, any post we don't approve of that doesn't fit into a specific RULE listed here gets deleted as soon as STAFF sees it, therefore, do NOT ask "where are my posts" or "where is the thread I started yesterday" as doing so is NOT allowed. If a post disappears, it was done for a reason and we owe you NO explaination whatsoever... nor will you get one! However, do NOT re-post it or you may also find yourself banned for that as well. Finally, it's important to NOTE that threads more than a few weeks (which contain little useful information) old often get removed by STAFF to preserve server space and bandwidth during back-ups.

    6) Bypassing the forum censoring in place by any means. If you see **** after you post, that means the Web site link or word you posted is NOT allowed here! The correct thing to do is to quickly EDIT your post and remove the censored word. The incorrect thing to do is to space the letters out nor to change i's to 1's or similar means of bypassing the censoring. We are VERY strict on this RULE to eliminate rival sites from stealing our traffic, and also to keep unwanted applications OFF our our site/boards.

    7) No requests. This simply means if something is not already on our Web site or Forums, it is NOT on for a reason. Do not REQUEST, discuss, link to, or communicate in any way on such things. A prime example of this (which we PERM BAN many users for daily) is PS2 HDD applications that does NOT support... so again, if it's not already here, we are already aware of it and DON'T want to see it on our site/boards- simple as that!

    8) No e-mail addresses nor PMs allowed. We have already permanently disabled Private Messages (PMs) on our boards due to past abuse, however some idiots attempt to post their e-mail address in threads anyway. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED, and YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR IT! Whatever can not be shared or is not allowed to be shared in our PUBLIC Forums is also NOT allowed to be shared via e-mail from our visitors off-site... so do NOT post your e-mail addresses in threads on our boards. The ONLY exception to this RULE is in our Buy/Sell/Trade Forum for legitimate transactions only, but NOT in any other section of our Forums at all!

    9) No idling in rival IRC channels while in EFnet #PS2Ownz. This simply means if you are in OUR chat room, we do NOT want to see you also logged into a rival Web site's room as well, or you will get PERM BANNED from both our chat room and Web site. If you don't like this rule, simply don't enter our chat room... or just don't visit our Web site of course. It's important to NOTE that we will NOT list rivals here, they deserve NO visitors from us so if you aren't sure then play it safe and only enter our chat channel when on NO others at all.

    10) Do NOT post, link, nor reference the source of information unavailable on our Web site... instead post it on our Web site instead. This RULE simply means if you discover "ABC" method of doing something from "XYZ" site, do NOT reference the site it came from to give him our traffic... instead just post the information to our own Web site or you may find your account terminated promptly. Our goal is to make OUR site a valuable resource of information, not a marketplace of links to information found on other Web sites. This RULE particularly applies to any X-Box queries as most idiots just link to the primary X-Box scene site rather than sharing the relevant info someone on OUR Forums asks on our OWN boards directly.

    11) Do NOT talk back to any STAFF member nor question their judgement on any issue. Per this RULE, we have the right to change, amend, add, or remove any of the RULES listed here at any time. With that being stated, only STAFF knows best so do NOT argue with them or you will no longer be allowed to visit our site.

    Specific Forum Rules:

    12) On the PS2 HDD Chat Forum, whenever referring to 'HD Loader' you MUST call it 'HD Advance' instead. They are virtually identical products, however, only HD Advance is still available for sale and supported on our sites! Again, this RULE only applies to the PS2 HDD Chat Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    13) On the PS2 On-Line Chat Forum, we do NOT allow requesting, posting, linking, or attaching PS2 Disc IDs nor PS2 Machine IDs in any format. The only exception to this rule is that we allow partial Disc IDs ONLY (no Machine IDs!) to be shared in the PS2 On-Line Forum's USA/PAL/JAP Sticky threads following the format specified there. Again, this RULE only applies to the PS2 On-Line Chat Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    14) In the Buy/Sell/Trade Section, there is to be no sale, trade, or give-away of copyright software nor media of any kind, including HDDs with such files on them! When posting software for sale, you MUST specify it is ORIGINAL in your post or you may find your account terminated and face possible LEGAL repercussions per this RULE and also RULE #2. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    15) In the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum Section, all vendors must PAY monthly to use the BST Forum. We define a vendor as anyone who intends to sell more than a single item or multiple unique single items. For example, if you are selling a Swap Magic Disc Set you own that is fine, however, it is NOT acceptable to sell "5 SMD Sets" on our BST Forum without paying us first to become a Forum vendor... those found doing so will be warned once via post editing, and then BANNED on their second offense immediately. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    16) Do NOT "diss" our Site Sponsors. Any banner or site you see a main page URL link to here at PS2Ownz is a direct sponsor of ours, we have worked with them all MANY years, and they are all VERY trustworthy. The biggest mistake you can make is to talk poorly of one on our site, as we clearly do NOT allow this for obvious reasons. If you have a bad experience with one, deal with them directly on it or post it elsewhere (off-site) as we are NOT their "Customer Support" nor will we tolerate it. However, if you simply would like to get some general feedback on a specific one you can ask for such information ONLY in the relevant section- namely the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum on our site. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

    The owners of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason, to terminate your account at any time, to PERM BAN your IP address, and to use and/or sell your e-mail account to anyone we choose... so do NOT register if you don't agree to any of the aforementioned!

    What a childish depraved w@nker that admin KID is , he must be really frightened and a total control freak .

    I also noticed a thread over there in the GC section about whole ISPs being banned, BT is completely banned and that must shut out thousands of potential members.

    well all I can say is keep it up you childish admin pri(k and in 6 months youll have no members at all because you with your paranoid and control freak methods will drive all your valuable members away to other places like here and Maxconsole.
    Ofcourse youll have your few loyal arsekissers wholl carry on telling you how wonderful you are purely out of fear of not wanting to get banned .

    ps2ownz isnt doing the Viper team any justice at all and with its childish powermad regime infact they are damaging thier credibility and driving away potential customers.

    Is that really what team Viper want ? The sooner you separate yourselves from that clown admin at Ps2ownz the better guys.

    Well now thats got that off my chest and Im sure others would have had simular experiences with this pri(k so feel free to post them here.

    I dont usually believe in bringing in wars from other boards to DF but in this case Im making an exception.

  2. #2
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    I wanted to make an open PHP site and give the viper team an option to use it as well for all their work. It could include a better database of games, media and spec. It would also have detailed guides on all aspects of the Viper from installation, problem fixing and getting everything working. I don't know how to ever tell the viper team about it apart from to spread it around on maxconsole or something.

    I hate the ps2ownz website for exactly the reasons 4me2 put. I wanted to write this exact thread but I was so pissed off about it at the time that I couldn't bring myself to rant about it, I knew i'd go overboard and just sware blindly for a few paragraphs.

    ps2banZ (as I like to called it, catching on over at maxconsole ) is run by a 18-19 year old kid who really ****s himself in the ass becuase he's got such a large userbase. They ban people instantly upon arrival in the IRC chat room for no reason and also have been known to issue blanket bans on ISPs for quite long periods of time (btopenworld users got instantly banned for one persons mistakes).

    The admin also close nearly every thread started, so each thread always goes well off topic just so people can ask random questions. Ok there's logic in this but they don't let anything through, it's nearly a sticky or it's gone.

    It's the portal for the GC viper community and it's the big pile of turd ever! it grates me having to access it via proxy server just to check up on some lame threads and looking for the new bios.

    The fact that they are banning people for visiting the 'opposition' is the eppitemy of the whole thing. If they catch you on another site you get banned, it's that simple for them. They are at the forfront of the viper chip (and have a great resource for ps2) and they hold infornation back as if they are a globalised company holding back internal memo's...they really havn't grasped the concept fo a good website one single bit.


  3. #3
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    Originally Posted by medo145
    what about the new PAL Multi5 realease? did anyone try it? on nforce it says that it's not nuked
    Quote Originally Posted by Admin@PS2BanZ
    It IS nuked, regardless of what the clueless people @ NForce say. Read
    for more info. Oh, and NEVER question an Admin's judgement here per our RULES!
    ahh the bliss of an open forum. what mods say goes, RESPECT MA AUTHORITII

    it's bad on there sometimes.

  4. #4
    DF Rookie mcmanicman's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    i got banned from that place, had just got a viper GC and had signed up there and at maxconsole, i last 2 days, i never knew why i got banned, but i think i do now as 4me2 says in his 1st post your notr allowed to post for 5 days, i never knew that (although i knew about the 5 day thing before you could download any attachments)

    funny thing is them two posts was two games i was adding to their database that had audio issue's, not even a thankyou, just a instant Ban, never the less a proxy sorted that out, and maxconsole gained a more valuable member.

    Shame really as all info on GC+Viper helps everyone

  5. #5
    DF Wh0re marlboro_hea's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    It is an annoying place, i keep getting changed from banned to unbanned from there??? i think it's because i'm on dialup i don't have a static ip but god knows, probably just because there not very good at making a proper forum... but anyway...

    Another thing i noticed, without trying to sound out of order, after seeing the admin post what he did on someone's post, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND ANYONE BUYING THE MODCASE FOR FULL SIZE DVD-R when it's released because they get a profit of it. I'm gonna wait til' someone does one that's not associated with ps2ownz as i'm not paying them a cent!

    The only reason i say this is because someone posted something on cutting the outside of the discs so they fit in the gc with the lid closed & the admin closed the thread saying it was bullshit but i can say that it's true, i tried with scissors & it worked, but for anyone here who's a diy kinda guy, get an empty spindle, & a drill & you can cut a perfect circle round the disc, takes less than 10 seconds, & obviously this makes them alot better to use on the gc as you could prob get 4-5 full size riteks for the price of one mini & when you cut it you don't have to cut no where near the actual burnt data for it to fit in the gc with the lid closed, i'd say about 3.5 is about what it accepts off hand, anyway. had to say that about ps2knomes


  6. #6
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    i'm pretty sure you got bnned for going to maxconsole...they call them rivals!
    imgine all the modshack members here getting chance, but our admin are not ****ers.

  7. #7
    DF Admin maltloaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    theyve always been like this over there, theres a superiority thing going on.. always been the same
    Garmin Connect:


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  8. #8
    DF Wh0re Likkle's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    I dont think Z is a kid hes ran that site for a few years now, Hes made a considerable amount of money out of the PS2 Scene by ripping people off

    Anyone who has a flippy cover/swap magic are supporting him. Zima has been an arsehole since day one and hes just giving the rival sites alot more members

    Moanz forums are probally dead these days
    Last edited by Likkle; 19th February 2005 at 05:04 PM.

  9. #9
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    who's the CJPC guy that goes on there too? I think he's a mod but he could also be admin,

    just trying to see the bigger picture
    Last edited by whatnow; 19th February 2005 at 01:26 PM. Reason: didn't finihish my post off

  10. #10
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    This one was brought to my attention over at Nforce.

    what's up with those guys? Dropping their nuts?
    First they released that ps2 machine id changer & disk id thing through their homo friends and put this in

    Quote:±° SPECIAL NOTES! °±
    ²±°±° ============== °±°±²
    ±° °±
    ±° We were not planning to release this piece of software, °±
    ²±°±° to the outside world, because we dont want to give SCE °±°±²
    ±° any more damage about their online playing, but some freaks °±
    ²±°±° forced us to put it out! REPECT to Sony Computer °±°±²
    ±° Entertainment Inc. for such a great online network °±
    ²±°±° (we didnt want to damage you more guys!) but some ****ers °±
    ±° didnt leave us a choice!! °±°±²
    ±° °±
    ²±°±° °±°±²
    ±° Visit our friends for mods & hardware at: °±
    ±° °±
    ²±°±° Special thanks to everybody at PARADOX for there support in °±°±²
    ±° the past and the futher! °±

    and now in their latest release


    A lot of people think we released a Machine ID
    changer tool to modify your console ID and Ilink ID.
    Yes we had such a tool for a long time! But we at PARADOX
    didnt want to release this app to the outside world,
    because it screws Sonys online system! And yet our dna$
    Disc ID tool was also leaked to a well know website...
    (again this was also never meant to leak to the outside!!)
    It now really **** the online play from Sony
    So to make some clear things now. The person who has leaked
    our dna$ Disc ID tool and our Machine ID tool was kicked
    out of PARADOX months ago (when he spread the dna$ Disc
    ID tool). He did steal our Machine ID tool aswell...
    And that ******* wanted to get money for it too!!!
    We have one thing to say to that person.. BURN IN HELL!!!
    We at PARADOX are here for fun and not to get money for

    So first they accuse some homo group that paradox was forced to release it and now it was STOLEN? Very lame excuse to cover their sorry asses. And their homosexual friends at ps2nfo intentionally ban your ip & account if you download few things from their site and then you're presented with this garbage

    Code:<blockquote><p>Your IP Address has been banned. We are now providing a service to fix broken and banned accounts. Please make sure that you INCLUDE your FORUM Name + IP Address (from <a href="">Here</a>) in the NOTES section of the PayPal Payment! <br>
    Please Click the button BELOW to continue!
    <form action="" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
    <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
    <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Fix Broken Accounts">
    <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="1336">
    <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10.00">
    <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
    <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Click to Continue!">
    </p></blockquote>So you need to pay them $10USD to get stolen code from some group, isn't that great? I never knew someone had to PAY to fix a banned account in some forum. Forcing you to fund for warez! What's next?

  11. #11
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    yeah I read that too, they are just blatent scammers!

    When I initially saw that $10 post I just told them how it was and said i'd never be prepared to send them any money for such a monopolised piece of shit (worded better).

    I wish the Cobra/Viper people had some form of contact, it would be great to get the message to them that they shouldn't use ps2ownz and go somewhere else. In thinking about it i'm sure they will have an affilliation with them anyway and are probably all close friends who suck each other off so there is probably no chance. Why else would a GC mod be so highly featured on a ps2 site? they're all having a laugh at us and it's crap.

  12. #12
    DF Jedi Anakin's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    LOL I went over there for the very 1st time and I got that shite too. They must have banned all NTL IP's too.


    While participating in our Forum discussion, you have violated one of the rules below:

    General Forum Rules:

    1) Posting topics in an improper site Forum board. For example, don't post FTP or HD Advance topics anywhere but in the PS2 HDD Forum, nor are you to post GameCube/Viper GC, etc. issues anywhere but in the GameCube Chat section and so on.

    2) Posting, linking, attaching, and/or referencing copyright files, adult material, or anything else ILLEGAL. We have minors on our Forums, and they will NOT be exposed to adult material here. Also, anyone violating the copyright portion of this RULE will not only be banned from our Web site but also their personal information forwarded to the proper authorities as we deem necessary.

    3) Starting new threads on an existing topic. For example, do not post about YOUR "burning" problems in a thread of your own if there is already a "burning" thread started (even if it's a few pages back) in the Forum you plan to post in. Instead, post in the existing thread which will automatically move it up to the front of the Forum section. ALL members should use the SEARCH function regularly prior to posting on our boards.

    4) Bumping threads just for the sake of bumping them. If you do not have anything relevant to add to an existing thread, do NOT just post a reply such as "bump" or similar... this is NOT acceptable on our boards at all.

    5) Asking where your post is, or where an old thread is. On our site, any post we don't approve of that doesn't fit into a specific RULE listed here gets deleted as soon as STAFF sees it, therefore, do NOT ask "where are my posts" or "where is the thread I started yesterday" as doing so is NOT allowed. If a post disappears, it was done for a reason and we owe you NO explaination whatsoever... nor will you get one! However, do NOT re-post it or you may also find yourself banned for that as well. Finally, it's important to NOTE that threads more than a few weeks (which contain little useful information) old often get removed by STAFF to preserve server space and bandwidth during back-ups.

    6) Bypassing the forum censoring in place by any means. If you see **** after you post, that means the Web site link or word you posted is NOT allowed here! The correct thing to do is to quickly EDIT your post and remove the censored word. The incorrect thing to do is to space the letters out nor to change i's to 1's or similar means of bypassing the censoring. We are VERY strict on this RULE to eliminate rival sites from stealing our traffic, and also to keep unwanted applications OFF our our site/boards.

    7) No requests. This simply means if something is not already on our Web site or Forums, it is NOT on for a reason. Do not REQUEST, discuss, link to, or communicate in any way on such things. A prime example of this (which we PERM BAN many users for daily) is PS2 HDD applications that does NOT support... so again, if it's not already here, we are already aware of it and DON'T want to see it on our site/boards- simple as that!

    8) No e-mail addresses nor PMs allowed. We have already permanently disabled Private Messages (PMs) on our boards due to past abuse, however some idiots attempt to post their e-mail address in threads anyway. THIS IS NOT ALLOWED, and YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR IT! Whatever can not be shared or is not allowed to be shared in our PUBLIC Forums is also NOT allowed to be shared via e-mail from our visitors off-site... so do NOT post your e-mail addresses in threads on our boards. The ONLY exception to this RULE is in our Buy/Sell/Trade Forum for legitimate transactions only, but NOT in any other section of our Forums at all!

    9) No idling in rival IRC channels while in EFnet #PS2Ownz. This simply means if you are in OUR chat room, we do NOT want to see you also logged into a rival Web site's room as well, or you will get PERM BANNED from both our chat room and Web site. If you don't like this rule, simply don't enter our chat room... or just don't visit our Web site of course. It's important to NOTE that we will NOT list rivals here, they deserve NO visitors from us so if you aren't sure then play it safe and only enter our chat channel when on NO others at all.

    10) Do NOT post, link, nor reference the source of information unavailable on our Web site... instead post it on our Web site instead. This RULE simply means if you discover "ABC" method of doing something from "XYZ" site, do NOT reference the site it came from to give him our traffic... instead just post the information to our own Web site or you may find your account terminated promptly. Our goal is to make OUR site a valuable resource of information, not a marketplace of links to information found on other Web sites. This RULE particularly applies to any X-Box queries as most idiots just link to the primary X-Box scene site rather than sharing the relevant info someone on OUR Forums asks on our OWN boards directly.

    11) Do NOT talk back to any STAFF member nor question their judgement on any issue. Per this RULE, we have the right to change, amend, add, or remove any of the RULES listed here at any time. With that being stated, only STAFF knows best so do NOT argue with them or you will no longer be allowed to visit our site.

    Specific Forum Rules:

    12) On the PS2 HDD Chat Forum, whenever referring to 'HD Loader' you MUST call it 'HD Advance' instead. They are virtually identical products, however, only HD Advance is still available for sale and supported on our sites! Again, this RULE only applies to the PS2 HDD Chat Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    13) On the PS2 On-Line Chat Forum, we do NOT allow requesting, posting, linking, or attaching PS2 Disc IDs nor PS2 Machine IDs in any format. The only exception to this rule is that we allow partial Disc IDs ONLY (no Machine IDs!) to be shared in the PS2 On-Line Forum's USA/PAL/JAP Sticky threads following the format specified there. Again, this RULE only applies to the PS2 On-Line Chat Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    14) In the Buy/Sell/Trade Section, there is to be no sale, trade, or give-away of copyright software nor media of any kind, including HDDs with such files on them! When posting software for sale, you MUST specify it is ORIGINAL in your post or you may find your account terminated and face possible LEGAL repercussions per this RULE and also RULE #2. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    15) In the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum Section, all vendors must PAY monthly to use the BST Forum. We define a vendor as anyone who intends to sell more than a single item or multiple unique single items. For example, if you are selling a Swap Magic Disc Set you own that is fine, however, it is NOT acceptable to sell "5 SMD Sets" on our BST Forum without paying us first to become a Forum vendor... those found doing so will be warned once via post editing, and then BANNED on their second offense immediately. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    16) Do NOT "diss" our Site Sponsors. Any banner or site you see a main page URL link to here at PS2Ownz is a direct sponsor of ours, we have worked with them all MANY years, and they are all VERY trustworthy. The biggest mistake you can make is to talk poorly of one on our site, as we clearly do NOT allow this for obvious reasons. If you have a bad experience with one, deal with them directly on it or post it elsewhere (off-site) as we are NOT their "Customer Support" nor will we tolerate it. However, if you simply would like to get some general feedback on a specific one you can ask for such information ONLY in the relevant section- namely the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum on our site. Again, this RULE only applies to the BST Forum because as RULE #1 clearly states, no such topics shall be posted on any other board or you will be BANNED from the site!

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

    The owners of reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason, to terminate your account at any time, to PERM BAN your IP address, and to use and/or sell your e-mail account to anyone we choose... so do NOT register if you don't agree to any of the aforementioned!

  13. #13
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    that's interesting to know, seeing as how they claim to not set up blanket bans on ISP's over in the IRC chat room. But if they didn't then all you'd have to do is get a new IP address from your DHCP and get in from there.

    I hope it wasn't my fault that all ntl members are banned, if so

  14. #14
    DF Wh0re Likkle's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    The Viper team in my eyes seems to be the Ps2Ownz bunch (or have a major role with them)

    The owns bunch alway seems to be keen to rip other peoples work off (just look at HDAdvance), but if you ever mentioned anything about messing with the Viper bios you got an instant ban. I mean ive got no evidence but it does seem very interlinked

    Not to mention if you mention tbinc you got banned! ah well screw em

  15. #15
    DF PwNagE Sanj[UK]'s Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    admin = zima = f00l

  16. #16
    DF Jedi richie-rich's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    har i got the same response as anakin - never been there before and wont be going again - mostly due to being already banned ha ha

  17. #17
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    Im waiting for my 5 days to pass then Im going to post a thread admin w@nkers with a link to this thread.

  18. #18
    DF Rookie vile's Avatar
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    Rant Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    Hey peepz it's me that been bitchin @ nforce ps2nfo & paradox. Back then few french ps2 sites even had a petition to shut ps2ownz down...remember they insulted them on finding the method on how to go online from the hdd ? I got banned there because I downloaded more than 2 The forums looked like that admin dude's own private spam section. It's a shame respected team like paradox turned out to be a cheap sellout

    and why on earth team viper chose those areses to host? I didn't get the chip solely for that reason and that it WILL kill your gc laser. Anyways I'll be glad when they're dead :whistle

  19. #19
    DF PwNagE whatnow's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    should read this thread too:

    Quote Originally Posted by [font=verdana, helvetica, san-serif
    ThePeasant[/font]]I've sent them a mail to ask if it's true that they ban everyone who has a Maxconsole acc and why they do that, this is their answer:
    quote:Yes it is true, as I have developed our so called Final Solution, which purifies the Gamecube Scene of all those lamers (yourself included) by immeadiate banishment to our deep pits, held inside the database. You may think our views are out there, especially because of our Final Solution, but fear not, the Fuhrer has been doing a very fine job, and soon, the people of the Gamecube Scene will be pure, and rid of all those non-beleivers.

    Phasen sehnen sich das Fuhrer und das Admins!!!
    Those people from ps2ownz must be really wierd...
    the post before it claiming them to be nazi's isn't far off!!!

  20. #20
    DF Admin 4me2's Avatar
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    Default Re: childish powermad w@nkers !

    Quote Originally Posted by shangrula
    should read this thread too:

    the post before it claiming them to be nazi's isn't far off!!!
    well if they are then they are illiterate ones because that German is Babelfish standard . Its terrible ! :nono

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