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  1. #1
    DF Wh0re
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    France (South)
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    Default "connection error"

    please help me
    just received my viper ,soldered it in my cube ,and now I want to upgrade my bios ,all I get is the message "connection error.. bla ...bla"
    tried everything ,even pluged it directly on the parallel port ,without any cable ,tried on two different PC ,still the same ,I checked my solders ,all seems ok.
    dont know what to look at now...

    "The Programmer (Guide 2)

    Connecting the programmer to the chip is quite tricky since the cable length is barely correct to connect it through the back grill of your GameCube. The cable is very soft and “bendy” so after you put it trough the grill and connect both sites (blue side up/visible)........"

    LOL I'm too bad ,thank you 4me2 you saved my life
    now I can go thuck my wife after trying some backups ,of course
    Last edited by horo; 30th April 2005 at 09:22 PM.

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