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    DF Moderator Spennyboy's Avatar
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    Default **Read Before Posting - First and Only Warning.**

    Wrestling Section Rules

    Welcome to the Wrestling section!

    This section does not need many rules really as its just for the fans and those interested to post and comment on the current goings-on.

    However there is one big and very precise rule that is being introduced today...

    There are to be no stupid comments such as "its all fake" or "its not real he takes drugs" "wrestling is for kids" etc etc. You know exactly what im refering too.

    Everyone and their mum know its fake and its an entertainment industry so your post is completely irrelevent.

    Your access to the wrestling section will be removed immediately without warning, not a big loss you say in your head while reading this post... Well remember it was you who took the time to read and reply in the first place

    If anybody notices a post of the like, feel free to hit the report button () or send me a PM with the link.


    P.s - if anyone has a problem with the above... well...

    Last edited by Spennyboy; 4th February 2008 at 03:16 PM.

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