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  1. #1
    DF Jedi Fearless's Avatar
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    News club game 5th November (10 man achievement now or never)

    Tips this week

    When sprinting quickly release the left thumbstick for a nano second and change direction, practice this and your sprints will be much harder to tackle, combine this with a change of direction and dribble/sprint will make you much harder to be dispossesed.

    Use that right thumbstick now we have 360 degree control also, best timing is when you are receiving the ball, quickly identify the space and direct the ball there with right thumbstick.

    RB/LB + XXX = low ground driven accurate cross

    LB/RB+X = accurate lobbed pass (usefull for getting those header accomplishments)

    Not sure how this is going to go because its bomfire night.

    hopefully we can do the 10 man achievement.

    First hour as normal, then i will tell you guys whos been picked for the A team and who needs to setup the B team, also you can show me how you mastered the new controls or not

    again dont hate me for this, its going to be swapped around, nobody is guaranteed to be in the A team forever, I myself may join the B team if somebody is better than me etc. or swap it about dependant on people turning up or not on Thursdays.

    nobody currently is guaranteed an A team spot, although at this point im thinking of naming the A team B and doing a bit of reverse phsycology.


    1. War
    3. Danny
    4. BBK
    5. Mr fuse
    6. Ant3b
    7. The Don (RROD)
    8. LFC Muppet
    9. Swiggy (if am not pimpin mi ho's)
    10. Atomical

    yet to confirm

    Neo (swine flued up)
    Confirmed 9/11

    We need 1 player to get this achievement

    Also make sure to read Chapter 2 -Controls in Primas offical fifa 10 guide located for download here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by Fearless; 5th November 2009 at 03:25 PM.

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