Ok so i spent 2 hours tweaking my config/xbox live connection

Althought my new sky sagem broadband router seemed to connect to Xbox live ok, i decided to do a few tests and around the 3rd time i got NAT Settings strict, so i have port forwarded xbox live ports and also cleared the cache.

Game runs sweet now, so i spend a few hours on xbox live ranked head to heads, got on a nice 4 or 5 game win streak with man city and found the 4222 formation worked best

Tevez is insanley good in my opinion

Made the fatal mistake of choosing barcelona and lost my win streak on the last game

But the players the game where matching me against really sucked, i think my skill level has gone upto around 14 now

Wont be on this week as I am away but will spend some time reading up on the game, good luck on thursday

What teams do other people use and formations? what works for you online?