The MS Keynote at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show is currently on-going (started at 9:30p ET/6:30p PT/0230 GMT) - follow it live with us and see what Xbox related news MS has for us!
You can follow a videofeed of the keynote live on the
(FB account required and before the stream works, MS will force you to press the 'Like' button on their page - really?!).
*Update* Dont have FB or dont wanna 'Like' Microsoft? If you have Silverlight installed you can also follow the live stream
*Update2* Or you can just watch it in the mediaplayer stream below

I'll update this news post with all Xbox360 related news during or after the keynote.
* Netflix will be Kinect-enabled later this year
* HuluPlus will be Kinect-enabled later this Spring
* Microsoft announces Avatar Kinect
* New Xbox Live milestone: 30 million members. A new member joins Xbox LIVE every 2 seconds.
* Xbox 360 has been the #1 selling console in the U.S. for the last 6 months
* Over 50M Xbox360 consoles sold worldwide.
* In the 1st 60 days, MS sold 8 million Kinect sensors worldwide (beating the expected 5M!)