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    DF Member shango67's Avatar
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    Help Black ops zombies

    Me and a friend were playing ascension last night on ps3 and our usual routine is one of us circles the first lander near the flopper and the other guards that small room where the flopper is, the one that is doing the circuits ideally has the ray gun and also the thunder gun, but last night we played three longish games and neither of us got the thunder gun while having the ray gun, we both spent in total around 150,000 but no go on the thunder gun have treyarch patched this combination because it can get you to a high number of rounds, or were we just unlucky. If it has been patched i think its a bit naughty as this could be classed as a technique and not a glitch or cheating. Has anyone else experienced this or is it just a one off or in our case a three off.

    Played on xbox last night with a friend and you can still get this weapon combo on there, so probably just unlucky on ps3.
    Last edited by shango67; 22nd March 2011 at 08:49 AM.

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