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    DF Super Moderator Teajunkie's Avatar
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    Xbox 360 Modern Warfare 4 could reveal early May, "lots more Black Ops 2 DLC to come"

    In utter defiance of all known precedent, Activision may release another Call of Duty title this year. Also in utter defiance of all known precedent, said Call of Duty title may go public at or shortly before E3 in June. Let's hope nobody splurges the whole caboodle across the internet before then, eh chaps? These ground-breaking revelations come care of the publisher's social media manager Dan Amrich, who took to Youtube last night to field some community questions.

    "We're still deep in the middle of the Black Ops 2 cycle, and there's still a lot more content to come," he told one fan. "So you can understand why Activision hasn't really talked about next year yet, but they're going to have to soon, because E3 is coming up." Amrich also noted that previous Call of Duty reveals have landed in early or late May.

    There are the usual caveats and disclaimers. "We don't know what the future of Call of Duty is going to be other than that there will be a future," he cautioned. "We also have the interesting problem of new hardware coming out. We've got a PS4, we've got whatever Xbox is working on - is that going to be this year? I don't know."

    All that said, "if you're looking for information on the future, it's coming soon. It's just not here yet. And it should be here no later than E3. Just be a little patient and I think you'll hear some more information very soon."
    Thrillsville to the max, or something. Here are 10 ways Modern Warfare 4 needs to improve on Modern Warfare 3.

    Last edited by Teajunkie; 19th April 2013 at 02:02 PM.
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