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  1. #1
    DF PiMP RowaN's Avatar
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    Rant Steam - whys it so shit?

    Please help me I'm stuck.

    In the good old days, if you wanted to install something, you just downloaded/ran a single .exe file. But now I want to install Ridge Racer Driftopia demo, and its not that easy for some reason.

    • Step 1: Register @
    • Step 2: Namco email you a "key code" and tell you to install the game "via Steam".
    • Step 3: There is no link in the email, so Google "Steam", find their website and install the Steam client.
    • Step 4: Search in Steam for "Driftopia" ... no results found.
    • Step 5: Look in Steam for a place to enter a key code in the hopes that will trigger a download ... nothing found.
    • Step 6: Scream "WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT SO F**KING DIFFICULT FOR _GODS_ SAKE!!!" at the top of your lungs.
    • Step 7: Make a post on DF asking for help because the email Namco sent you was from a wonderful noreply@ address.
    Last edited by RowaN; 10th August 2013 at 12:53 AM.

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