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    DF Jedi ZX7R's Avatar
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    Default My fatty bastardo journey thus far

    April 2013
    Age: 36
    Weight: 109.2kg (over 17 stone)
    Height: 5' 8"
    Trouser waist: 40"
    Shirt: 17.5"

    Got fed up of looking like a lard ass in various family photos. I have a stocky-rugby player type build but a constant stream of crap foods, deserts every day, crisps, donuts, etc did damage over a long time/years. Plus I hated how my tucked-in shirt would constantly work it's way out of the front of my trousers/jeans. I was in denial but it was obviously due to my flabby tummy pushing it out. :-(
    (I hardly ever drink booze by the way. The damage is pure food based)

    August was coming and I had Best-Man duties to fulfil for my bro in-law.

    Enough was enough...

    So to cut a long story short I did not join a gym but I did:

    Cut ALL bad foods out. No sugar, bread, cheese, crisps, chips, fatty stuff, ready meals, takeaways etc.

    Breakfast has and now consists of a banana with either 2x shredded wheat, shreddies, or porridge. Skimmed milk only.

    I drink around 2.5 litres of water per day.

    Have one multivitamin pill every day.

    Lunch consists of fruit and a low fat sandwich (brown bread with tuna or lean ham). Plenty of water to keep me full.

    Dinner is baked chicken or fish with fresh veg and a few potatoes or a small pile of rice.

    My favourite meal at the moment is some fancy Thai instant noodles, chop in a whole green pepper, small chilli, some prawns, pak choi, break an egg in there. Garnish with spring onion - basically a ramen dish.

    Anyway, I looked much better on the wedding day and here are my stats to date:

    April 2013: 109.2kg

    May 2013: 103.9kg

    June 2013: 96.8kg

    July 2013: 93.6kg

    August 2013: 92.2kg

    Sept 2013: 90.3kg (Just over 14 stone)
    Waist: 36"
    Shirt: 16"

    It's been difficult sticking to the diet (5 months) but obviously worth it in the end. I've managed to enjoy and keep my mindset on a new healthy diet and intend to lose a little bit more fat and weight. Then it's gym time to tone and build muscle. Like I said, I am fortunate enough to have a stocky/strong build so should look good when I eventually hit the gym (last time back in 2000!). It's a bitch having to spend money on new clothes though! Nice but expensive!
    Last edited by ZX7R; 12th September 2013 at 02:41 PM.

    8 Thanks given to ZX7R

    akimba (12th September 2013), Bald Bouncer (12th September 2013), beansontoast (12th September 2013), Mystical_2K (12th September 2013), Sanj[UK] (12th September 2013), super mike (12th September 2013), supraman54 (12th September 2013), x_Mr_C_x (12th September 2013) 

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