Sony unveiled next month's PlayStation Plus lineup, announcing that subscribers will receive a slate of free games for the PlayStation 3, PS Vita, and PlayStation 4 in time for International Turkey Day. Sony's subscription service hosts its first batch of PlayStation 4 freebies in November, as early adopters will receive free downloadable copies of Compulsion Games' shadowy puzzle-platformer Contrast and Housemarque's Defender-like shoot-'em-up Resogun. Contrast serves as a last-minute replacement for Driveclub, which was originally scheduled to take part in next month's PlayStation Plus lineup before its recent delay.

Capcom's Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and Sega's Binary Domain headline November's PlayStation 3 offerings, joining Sparpweed's co-op action game Ibb and Obb. PlayStation Vita owners can expect to see Sony's Monster Hunter-inspired action-RPG Soul Sacrifice, along with an upgraded HD version of Just Add Water's Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

PlayStation Plus members in Europe will receive Konami's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance starting next month, along with Remember Me, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD, and MotorStorm RC.