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    DF PwNagE WRATH OF BOD's Avatar
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    Default Re: New E-Cigs section added + Bonus

    Quote Originally Posted by connormill View Post
    Guy at my work swears these things are more harmful than real fags, can't really see how though!

    if a real cigarette is full of CO and Tar and these things clearly don't have that then surely they are better for you! anyone have much dealings with the health questions thrown up by these?

    I'm more amazed at the technology side of it, how they have managed to shrink a liquid vaporizer into something as small as that really is amazing.
    i smoked 30-40 a day for 30 years, started using e-cigs about 6 years ago, i feel better, can walk for miles run up & down stairs without getting out of breath, i hammer my kanga tech & use about 8ml of juice a day & i can put it down & not use it for 2 or 3 days without need a nicotine buzz
    i buy 2.4 mg menthol (Brain Freeze From a local company)l, Add Menthol crystals & cut it 60/40 with Pg Liquid.
    I Love It
    i buy 50 ml e-juice a month & 100ml PG Base every 2 months
    Costs me about £33 every 2 months + replacement Coils,
    i have bought a mechanical mod but the battery's a bought are crap
    must find a better set of battery's
    Last edited by WRATH OF BOD; 5th December 2014 at 11:12 PM.

    Thanks to WRATH OF BOD

    4me2 (5th December 2014) 

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