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    DF Moderator Little John's Avatar
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    Default Re: Surface 2 Pro tablet

    I have a Surface pro 2 128GB version had it since about November and its a great piece of kit, runs really well I use it for adobe lightroom 5 and it runs perfectly. Got a 64GB micro SD in the side to store media on for the times I may get to watch a film while out and about. the screen is fantastic

    Battery life is fantastic easily watch 2 films plus couple of TV episodes and some web browsing did a flight from Manchester via Frankfurt to New York web browsing between flights etc and the battery still had plenty of juice left in it at the other end.

    I have the touch cover and it is really responsive and I make the same mistakes on that as I do on a normal keyboard.

    I just bought an adaptor to take the display port to a DVI connector and also bought the Microsoft wedge mouse and keyboard with the intention to use it as a desktop based system when I am out working event photography save me lugging about desktop pc's and laptops its got plenty of power in there to do it just hope I can get printer drivers that will work with the dyesub printer for windows 8.

    The wedge keyboard can be found in Tesco for £20 (rrp £80) and the mouse (rrp£70) for £18 at the moment seems they are getting shut of them

    The downsides are weight, its not the lightest of things compared to most tablets but not much else has an I5 processor in there, its a little chunky as well but its ok to hold and feels incredibly solid. the touch keyboard corners can get a little bashed and bent but those areas are away from anything and re supposed to do that.
    the body does scratch quite easily, I had it in my bag carrying a pair of jeans and soothing has marked the back, it does look like it has healed a little and the mars have faded in some areas but the part where the us port and charging port is the edges the black coating has come marked a little (just me being picky) I have bought a wrap for it from the US and just need to fit it to prevent further damage.

    Would I buy the Surface 3? not sure the 2 is great but shit they are expensive £800 for a tablet? £800 for an i5 laptop both still expensive but for something this size yeah its not too bad especially that it has the USB port on there its a proper PC and works great.

    never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!

    Thanks to Little John

    Hangman (27th June 2014) 

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