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  1. #1
    DF PwNagE burner1's Avatar
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    Default NowTV charged me for ordering a movies pass when I didn't.

    Just a heads up if you have a NowTV box. I was looking at my bank statement online this morning and noticed they had taken £9.99 out. I have a nowtv box but haven't had it connected for weeks now (it's in the cupboard and I checked it earlier to make sure no one has nabbed it) I logged into my nowtv account and it was saying I had taken it out yesterday which I didn't.

    I've only ever once used a movie pass and that was a free code back in May, had nothing since and no problem till today.

    I managed to talk to someone on their live chat facility and they are refunding me (takes up to 5 days to do that!).

    Might be worth checking your bank if you have one of these.

    Thanks to burner1

    beerman (2nd January 2015) 

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