Xenoblade Chronicles X Sexualizes 13-Year-Old Lynlee

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by [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] - Apr 29, 201524

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Following yesterday’s release of Xenoblade Chronicles X in Japan, players took to Miiverse to share their personal experiences with Monolith Soft’s [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] on Wii U. Screenshots posted to the Xenoblade Chronicles X community show vast landscapes, high-tech combat, monsters galore and, well, an obvious lack of clothing.
Xenoblade Chronicles X allows players to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] for all members of his or her party, and the options include everything from bulky armor to barely decent strips of fabric. [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] hasn’t been shy about posting images of near-nude party members on Nintendo’s social network, either.
Lao’s bare muscular pectorals are on full display as the 31-year-old guns down alien beasts with his teammates.
The 28-year-old Elma sheds her sturdy space suit, leaving little to the imagination.
Lynlee, at age 13, strips down to a tight bikini which shows off her cleavage.
Yes, you read that right. And I’m not trying to sexualize the young teenager out of context either; many of the images of Lynlee show the child wearing articles far more revealing than your average bikini.
The Japanese players on Miiverse don’t seem to really notice or mind that the game depicts a young child in a state of undress. Japanese attitudes on sexuality differ from that of Western societies and children as young as 13 can [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to sexual activity in much of Japan. That may explain why Xenoblade Chronicles X lets players dress up a child as though she were an adult.
Lynlee, who is clearly said to be 13 on the game’s [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], is the youngest of many female characters that appear in the game. The developers of Xenoblade Chronicles Xhave [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] that sexiness was a factor in character design, especially for women.
But Lynlee may not end up so young in the Western localization; Nintendo of America could opt to change her age to 18 and avoid any questions. Or they can just keep her age and cover her up instead.
We’ve included some images below, all taken from Miiverse, of the outfits players can equip 13-year-old Lynlee in. Whether this is an acceptable decision by the developers to create intriguing characters or an inexcusable lack of morality on their part is for you to decide.

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