Yep have to agree with the comments, good point speedz makes is that just because you are good at fifa single player doesnt mean that you can play the same way in Club/Team games it helps but you have to adapt differently.

We keep saying it over and over quick sharp passing keeping it simple is the answer then when we get quite a few goals up and are comfortable theirs nothing wrong with trying a few things then.

I also think it doesn't pay to always pass forward if theirs nothing on, when im on the wing i get a bit of success touching the ball back to War then running past my man for his return ball.

Fifa 11 seems easier to get to headers in now and not so easy to hit the A button in the box as it used to be.
I often find if im coming in from the wing using a normal pass in the box is almost like a through ball and and can be slightly too far in front of the player receiving the pass allowing the goalkeeper or defender to get it.

But crosses seem to find their targets better and you can actually get too them especially from corners, I noticed War who has a heading trait was getting headers at the near post which is useful to know.

one last think to conceder is goal kicks, if we haven't got 2 tall front men they never win the kicks straight down the field so we could do with mixing them up i used to find success with aiming for parsnips on the left hand side or aiming right wing occasionally.

I appreciate lag might cause passing issues as well something we need to make allowances for, sorry getting a bit long winded.