
Posted on: February 16, 2010 8:20 AM, by

The respected Finnish archaeology annual Fennoscandia Archaeologica has gone on-line!
is now available for free on the web site of the Archaeological Society of Finland. It's a great resource for scholars. For instance, the volume for 2007 includes seven largely critical debate pieces on the Susiluola cave that has been interpreted as Scandinavia's first Middle Palaeolithic site. Are there in fact any modified lithics from that cave? Or is it all eoliths and wishful thinking?
Apparently, this does not however mean that Fennoscandia is an Open Access journal (yet). The issues for 2008 and 2009 have appeared in print but are not on the site. Extrapolating from the fact that the 2007 issue went on-line now, it seems the journal is operating with a 2.5-year lag for its on-line archive and that we can look forward to the 2008 issue being posted next winter.