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    Detector's Avatar
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    Review Dishonoured PC Mini Review

    Well i managed to grab this while it was at 50% off on steam and not having heard ANYTHING about the game itself before id seen it that day for sale i decided to take the plunge.

    The game itself reminds me very much of the bioshock series and indeed the original half life too, altho hardly any puzzles to do the gaming is superb and the graphics really are a joy to watch as you go through the levels. I found myself sat ont he edge of a big buiolding watching a sunset on my pc, the orange glow of the dim sunset gave the bedroom a nice warm glow and i just love this game.

    The best bit about this game so far is that it runs full speed without any bugs that i encountered, this IS what games makers such as 2k games should aspire to be like. the quality of the graphics, gameplay and engine make this for me one of the best games ive played this year so far.

    the story is good too, you will battle through several massive levels, and if you are like me after you have finished the game you will want to IMMEDIATELY play it all over again, it was that much of a joy to play.

    I cannot recommend this fantastic FPS enough.

    9.5 out of 10 from me.

    it would have been 10 out of 10 if there has been a couple of extra levels.
    A wise man once said " "

    Thanks to Detector

    Ashley (7th December 2012) 

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